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Predictions for November 2020 and Beyond


Welcome! Peace and Love to you. These are the psychic predictions of The Spiritual Fixer when he performed a Psychic reading to see what the future holds. They were transcribed the exact way these messages came through from the spirit realm.

We are NOT affiliated with any political parties. These messages and visions are NOT based on personal opinions or beliefs rather these are intuitive insights from the Spirit World.

The future is not static. Therefore, based on the healing energy of love, faith and the power of prayer, things can change. God is in control.

Predictions for November

Note: Before reading these predictions please go back and read my prior predictions especially those from January (January 12), March (dated February 26) and July (dated June 25). Many of my predictions have already come to pass.


  1. Back in March, I predicted that we will get a temporary vaccine or treatment in the next 6 months and in 15 to 18 months we shall get the real deal vaccine. Well, the first part of that prediction has come to pass as the FDA approved Gilead’s Remdesvir as a Covid-19 treatment in October 2020.

  1. As I predicted before back in April and May, we need to pay attention to the side effects from all new Covid-19 drugs before running out and taking them.

  1. I previously predicted in March, 2020 we shall get a good safe vaccine in the next 15-18 months. I still see that happening, and by Summer 2021 we shall be back to normal.

  1. In my March blog, I predicted that Covid-19 would be sticking around for some time and the 2nd and 3rd wave of the virus will be worse than the 1st wave in half of the country. Now it’s coming to pass with the flu season and Covid-19 at the same time.

  1. I see that Florida, Texas, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin will have to shut down after the election because of people not wearing masks and the increasing death toll.

  1. I see that lots of hospitals would not be able to handle the spike of Covid-19 and the flu at once. Doctors and nurses are burnt out to the max and in some states, they just don’t have the support that they need. Doctors and nurses feel that are all alone.

  1. I see that from the end of November, December and January will be the worst of the 2ndand 3rd wave around the country and the world. By spring of 2021, things will begin to improve and look up.

  1. I see that we will get through Covid-19 safely only if we be safe moving around in the next 6 months. By July 2021, I see us back to normal in a better and safer world including the U.S.

USA Economy

  1. In my March 2020 blog, I predicted an L-shape recession until 2022. I still see that recession for the USA, Caribbean and South American countries.

  1. I see that it doesn’t matter who wins the election in November we all for rough times ahead in this economy.

  2. I see even more small businesses will close down and NEVER reopen again.

  1. I see that milk, eggs, fish and meat will be hard to get a few months from now.

  1. I see millions of new homeless people will pop up because of Covid-19. There will be an increase of job losses, evictions from homes in the states by February 2021.

  1. As I predicted before, back in my March, 2020 blog, I still see crime skyrocketing in big cities and people will be hungry and looking for food to eat. I see that people in the suburbs people need to get their guns for protection, now.

  1. I see that this Christmas season lots of people will not have money to buy food or toys for children. Please help out a family in need for the holiday season.

  1. As I predicted back in February 2020, this is the great reset of the world. Society will be cashless and everything else will be touchless by 2022. Covid-19 has changed the world and as terrible as times are, I see that the future will be brighter as there will be a better new way of living.

US Election

  1. Back in my January 2020 blog, I predicted that no one in the Democratic party will be able to win over Trump because their Presidential candidates are weak. Today, I still see that and my prediction is the same.

  1. I see that Joe Biden has a good chance of beating Trump but he is very weak right now and will make some mistakes. I see those mistakes will cause Trump to prevail over him in the last week of the Election.

  1. In August as I predicted there were lots of scandals involving the President in September and October. Now, I see that there will be even more scandals dropping in the last few days before the Election involving both Trump and Biden. I see that the scandal will affect Biden more because it will make him look weak in the public eyes especially in the swing states to win the Election.

  1. I see on Election Day, trouble, complete disorder and confusion at the polls in PA, NC, FL, MI, WI, AZ, OH, GA, IA, TX and ME. I see that these are the states which will decide the final outcome of the 2020 Election.

  1. As I predicted back in January, I still see that there are 4 countries that will be helping Trump to try to steal the Election in November.

  1. I see the largest number of people voting in this Election in years but I see that a lot of mail in ballots will not be counted. I also see the results will be challenged by the Republicans in the courts.

  1. As I had predicted back in my January and August predictions, a lot of people love Trump on the low. I still see that is the case and people are still ashamed to tell people including coworkers that they are voting for Trump. This is why you can’t believe the polls or the media at all.

  1. I see that on Election night we may not know who wins the Election until a few days or weeks later.

  1. I see the Democrats winning the House and 4 to 6 seats in the Senate. I see that they will also win some states’ local House seats around the country.

  1. I see that Trump will make a comeback winning PA, NC and FL. My spirit guides are showing me that Trump will be in the media headlines as the comeback kid. I see that the Democrats will be in shock and can’t believe they lost the Presidency again.

  1. I see more chaos on Election night. My spirit guides are showing me protesting in the streets and the Police and Military will be called in to prevent looting and fighting in the big cities and swing states. I see that PA, FL, NC, MI, WI, GA, NYC, CA and Chicago will have some serious problems.


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